Kundalini Yoga – Marleen Onghena


How we can start to connect and to awaken our own creativity (seeds), how can we live from the heart in radiance, prosperity, peace and joy? Start practicing kundalini yoga…

What is Kundalini Yoga:

Kundalini yoga is the supreme technology to awaken your awareness and take you into your original self. It is a natural unfolding of your own nature.

An important part of kundalini yoga is to develop a neutral mind and it’s capacity for intelligence, endurance, and integrity.

It teaches you how to gain a strong immune system, vital glands, a strong nervous system, good circulation and an awareness of the impact of your habits.

In Kundalini the experience goes right to your heart, no word can replace that experience.

Kundalini is the fastest way to establish an aligned relationship between the body, mind and the soul.

How does a class looks like:

Tuning In: Adi Mantra (tuning into the golden chain; this chain forms the channel through wich the energy, the wisdom and the protection of the tradition flow to you and to the students)

Chanting Mantras’s (man=mind) , (trang=wave) is a conscious method of controlling and directing the mind. We are creating with every word we speak, with chanting a mantra we are choosing to invoke the positive power, whether it’s for prosperity, peace of mind, …..By chanting them we are setting vibrations into motion that shall have an effect.

Pranayam is the science of breath, controlling the movement of prana through the use of breathing techniques. Pranayama is energy management, the key to controlling the mind is in controlling the breath.

Kriya : set of postures wich strengthen the nervous system, stretches the muscles and build muscles, stimulating the circulation, increasing the awareness of the body, influencing the meridians and the organs, cleansing the tissues

Relaxation: integration

Meditation: Through meditation you can calm the mind and develop your intuition.

Yoga is the science for all humanity, it is the custodian of human grace and radiance. It holds a great future for every human being. It brings mental caliber for purpose and prosperity of life. The future of yoga is bright, bountiful, and blissful.

Marleen Onghena – 
Harkiret Kaur

Kundalini Teacher (KRI level I)
(+ Vinyasa, prenatal & Yin Yoga teacher, attending present child course)

I am a yogi since more than 15 years. I fell in love with yoga when I was working and living abroad. My first Ashtanga class touched me like a lightning strike and awakened a deep fire within me…That was the start of a beautiful journey. A journey you can only follow with trust, walking into the unknown without knowing where and when it ends. It was like a calling of the soul. The path to my heart unfolded for me…After the birth of my son I became very sick and life was asking me to stop and start to really listen and feel deeply inside. The fire gave me the strength to climb that mountain, to get better and to live a life that was aligned with my heart and soul.I started my first teacher training (vinyasa yoga) in Antwerp Yoga (2013) and was blessed to have amazing teachers (Teune van der Wildt, Elsie Matthijssens, Wesley Ann Bassett, Franck Gielen). I started to teach Yin Yoga as a replacer in Antwerp Yoga . As a mother of two children and working as an intensive care nurse with premature born babies my time was completely filled. During this journey also my personal life shifted tremendous and I started a dedicated practice of Kundalini yoga. Kundalini yoga was my second lightning strike or awakening ( years ago on a retreat in Spain), it changed my life completely and there I planted the magical seeds of a new life and dreams. Never been more grateful to Franck Gielen who introduced me to kundalini yoga. I connected with my heart and my life started to unfold in a magical way.There was no turning back. I dived deep within myself, with the help of a SAM Coach, a “ Present Child” Coach, regression therapy and a very committed daily practice of kundalini yoga. In all this my children were (still are) my most beautiful guides and mirrors. It was(is) a path full of liberation, clearing old habits and believes, embracing the light and the dark, the pain and the beauty, finding self-love within. It helped me to embrace new beginnings, letting go of all that once was familiar to me. Starting to live from trust instead of fear. In January I started the kundalini teacher training level I at the Lighthouse wih Mona, lead trainer Gobinde and other amazing teachers. There are many dreams and projects waiting out there, one of my wishes for the future is to attend a training to start teaching Kundalini dance/holistic dance, everything will come at a perfect timing. Now it is time to start sharing all this by what I have learnt and the personal transformation I experienced myself.

Kundalini guided me through, accepting and being in the moment, letting go of old frequencies, situations, experiences…I learned the importance of taking time to simply be, to listen to the whispers of the heart. We allow healing to take place, and remember the healing capacity in ourselves. Embracing and letting go. It is all about being in the infinite flow of giving and receiving, making space and becoming open to what shall come next into our life experience. By opening up (awakening) we invite our dreams into the physical, we start to create from our souls desires, bringing them in form. Taking responsibility for our own life and creation, no more looking and searching from the outside but re-connecting with the inner light and love of our soul. Kundalini opens the heart, clears the mind and transforms. Karmic entanglements will be dissolved, freeing us. It opens the body and the energy flow (life force), it grounds us and awakens our creative power. Transformation and expansion of self consciousness on all levels will be activated. Then we can start to dance on the rhythm of the Universe, unifying instead of separating, remembering that we are pure light. You will experience bliss, inner peace and love.

Data: losse lessen op maandag, 9/1 tem 27/2 2017
Tijd: 19.30 u – 21.00 u
Locatie: WALPURGIS, Deurneleitje 6, 2640 Mortsel, België
Prijs: €10 per les

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