Sound Healing Room: day workshop – Mitsch Kohn (Germany)


In this workshop we leave behind the “concert level” completely and focus on the reconnection to our soul and our destination in life. In several sound-waves the sounds connect to the soul-landscapes and has no concert-ambition of musical correctness at all…(and that could sound challenging sometimes 😉 ). Every participant receives his/her own soundhealing-session, a direct communication with the soul.

It is a journey leaving the surface and dive deeper into the matrix… we´re going deep into the mud and high into the spheres of light. This leads into an activation of the memory and higher conciousness on the cell- and heart-level. On one hand unconcious patterns were reflected (by the system), felt and re-progammed. On the other hand the connection to source and our soul will be experienced on a deep level. Many participant report they have been “really home” first time. Inbetween the waves there is space for silence, sounding, singing, dancing, sharing, hugging …whatever is needed in that moment, to integrate and letting go.

A sound-healing-journey-intensive can evoke radical changes in your system, it is a re-programming of the cells and a heart-opening.

Friday April 28 there is a concert with Mitsch too!


About my work:

All truth is inside us. With sound we can dive into inner dimensions that seemed to be covered before. Letting the mind go and diving into the flowing river of sound, new doors were opened we never expected that they are there. Sound is a key, but walking through is the challenge for everyone him/herself.

My intention is – with the music coming through me – to give space to explore inner dimensions and to get to know the inner world on a deeper level. The music open the hearts for dialogue with both the inner light and the darkness… to realize, to accept and to let go. The listener can experience a true melting with the higher self and get impulses for inner healing. We heal the world with healing and empower ourselves.

About Mitsch Kohn

Mitsch Kohn is composer, music producer, pianist and soundhealing myst and lives in the south of Germany. He creates his music intuitively in the moment he is playing. His very unique piano-based soundhealing-journeys guide into states of deep connection and can be realized as a journey into a higher consciousness.
His highest intention is to feel and transmit the essence of soul and heart-energy with music.
As a composer he writes music for films, orchestra and his own unique music for piano. He won several international music-composition prizes. His biggest work was a peace-symphony for 240 players in 2009. As producer he works for his own label on audiobooks for a higher consciousness. On stage he plays his music completely intuitive, alone or with several wellknown artists like Lex van Someren, Kinan Azmeh, Estas Tonne, Netanel Goldman and many others. In an ongoing event “intuitive Klangzeit“ the musicians explore new musical paradigms creating new age and minimal based meditative instant composing sessions, an organic, of-the-moment musical expression from silence into sound into silence. Mitsch realizes the only boundaries to music are the ones we impose on ourselves. With every note and every pause Mitsch opens his heart to the divine communication of music.
From that point, he developed his special soundhealing program “KLANG HEIL RAUM”. This extremely powerful program leaves the path of “concert-mode” to open spaces for a deep dive into the inner world, the unconsciuos. There, in a state of no mind, people face their inner truth and find back to the essence of their soul and experience a deep feeling of being home.

Visit his website:


CONCERTS with others:

Datum: zondag 30 april 2017
Tijd: 10-18u
Locatie: Universa – Milagrow, Groenenhoek 56, 2630 Aartselaar
Prijs: €80 (of €70 voor mensen zonder of met een laag inkomen)
Plaatsen zijn beperkt tot 15 deelnemers, gelieve op voorhand in te schrijven om je plek te verzekeren.Graag inschrijven via:

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